Step 5: Start Self-Submitting To Auditions

Below is Step 5 in My 10 Steps To Start Your Acting Career in Los Angeles – For International Students

As an international student/actor in the US, we do not have a work permit. This means we cannot get paid. In turn, agents will not take us on as their clients since we cannot make them any money. Therefore, we have to be our own agents for now.  Continue reading “Step 5: Start Self-Submitting To Auditions”

Actor Tip For New Actors

One of the courses that I’m currently taking at UCLA Extension is called Pre-production and Production for Film and Television. 

It’s a fantastic course! I’m learning so much. In yesterday’s class we got an interesting tip from a guest speaker that have worked many years as a casting director.

One of the international students asked:

Is it ok for me as an international actor to call up a casting director and say “Hi, my name is …. I’m new in town and would like to send you my reel. ” 

Her answer was: Continue reading “Actor Tip For New Actors”